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Share Kubernetes Gateway (VPC lattice service network) between different AWS accounts

AWS Resource Access Manager(RAM) helps you share your resources across AWS accounts, within your organization or organizational units (OUs). Now VPC lattice support 2 types of resource sharing: share VPC lattice service or sharing VPC lattice services, in the AWS Gateway API Controller now it only support sharing VPC lattice service network.

Here in a example that account B (sharer account) could share it's service network with account A (sharee account), and account A could access all k8s services (vpc lattice target groups) and k8s httproutes(vpc lattice services) within this sharer account's service network.


  1. Create a full connectivity setup example (include a gateway, a service and a httproute ) in the account B (sharer account): kubectl apply -f examples/second-account-gw1-full-setup.yaml

  2. Go to accountB's aws "Resource Access Manager" console, create a VPC Lattice Service Networks type resource sharing, share the service network that created from previous step's gateway(second-account-gw1) (You could check the VPC Lattice console to get the resource arn, service network name should also be second-account-gw1)

  3. Open the account A (sharee account)'s "aws Resource Access Manager" console, in the "Shared with me" section accept the accountB's Service Network sharing invitation.

  4. Load the account A's aws credential in you command line, do kubectl config use-context <accountA cluster> to switch to accountA's context

  5. Apply the same "second-account-gw1" account A (sharee account)'s cluster by kubectl apply -f examples/second-account-gw1-in-primary-account.yaml

  6. All done, you could verify service network(gateway) sharing by: Attach to any pod in account A's cluster, do curl <vpc lattice service dns for 'second-account-gw1-httproute'>, it should be able to get correct response " second-account-gw1-svc handler pod"