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TargetGroupPolicy API Reference


By default, AWS Gateway API Controller assumes plaintext HTTP/1 traffic for backend Kubernetes resources. TargetGroupPolicy is a CRD that can be attached to Service or ServiceExport, which allows the users to define protocol, protocol version and health check configurations of those backend resources.

When attaching a policy to a resource, the following restrictions apply:

  • A policy can be attached to Service that being backendRef of HTTPRoute, GRPCRoute and TLSRoute.
  • A policy can be attached to ServiceExport.
  • The attached resource should exist in the same namespace as the policy resource.

The policy will not take effect if: - The resource does not exist - The resource is not referenced by any route - The resource is referenced by a route of unsupported type - The ProtocolVersion is non-empty if the TargetGroupPolicy protocol is TCP

Please check the TargetGroupPolicy API Reference for more details. TargetGroupPolicy API Reference

These restrictions are not forced; for example, users may create a policy that targets a service that is not created yet. However, the policy will not take effect unless the target is valid.

Limitations and Considerations

  • Attaching TargetGroupPolicy to an existing Service that is already referenced by a route will result in a replacement of VPC Lattice TargetGroup resource, except for health check updates.
  • Attaching TargetGroupPolicy to an existing ServiceExport will result in a replacement of VPC Lattice TargetGroup resource, except for health check updates.
  • Removing TargetGroupPolicy of a resource will roll back protocol configuration to default setting. (HTTP1/HTTP plaintext)

Example Configuration

This will enable HTTPS traffic between the gateway and Kubernetes service, with customized health check configuration.

kind: TargetGroupPolicy
    name: test-policy
        group: ""
        kind: Service
        name: my-parking-service
    protocol: HTTPS
    protocolVersion: HTTP1
        enabled: true
        intervalSeconds: 5
        timeoutSeconds: 1
        healthyThresholdCount: 3
        unhealthyThresholdCount: 2
        path: "/healthcheck"
        port: 80
        protocol: HTTP
        protocolVersion: HTTP1
        statusMatch: "200"