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Environment Variables

AWS Gateway API Controller for VPC Lattice supports a number of configuration options, which are set through environment variables. The following environment variables are available, and all of them are optional.


Type: string

Default: Inferred from IMDS metadata

A unique name to identify a cluster. This will be used in AWS resource tags to record ownership. This variable is required except for EKS cluster. This needs to be specified if IMDS is not available.


Type: string

Default: Inferred from IMDS metadata

When running AWS Gateway API Controller outside the Kubernetes Cluster, this specifies the VPC of the cluster. This needs to be specified if IMDS is not available.


Type: string

Default: Inferred from IMDS metadata

When running AWS Gateway API Controller outside the Kubernetes Cluster, this specifies the AWS account. This needs to be specified if IMDS is not available.


Type: string

Default: Inferred from IMDS metadata

When running AWS Gateway API Controller outside the Kubernetes Cluster, this specifies the AWS Region of VPC Lattice Service endpoint. This needs to be specified if IMDS is not available.


Type: string

Default: "info"

When set as "debug", the AWS Gateway API Controller will emit debug level logs.


Type: string

Default: ""

When set as a non-empty value, creates a service network with that name. The created service network will be also associated with cluster VPC.


Type: string

Default: ""

When set as "true", the controller will run in "single service network" mode that will override all gateways to point to default service network, instead of searching for service network with the same name. Can be used for small setups and conformance tests.


Type: string

Default: ""

When set as "true", the controller will start the webhook listener responsible for pod readiness gate injection (see This is disabled by default for deploy.yaml because the controller will not start successfully without the TLS certificate for the webhook in place. While this can be fixed by running scripts/, it requires manual action. The webhook is enabled by default for the Helm install as the Helm install will also generate the necessary certificate.


Type: string

Default: ""

When set as "true", the controller will not use the AWS Resource Groups Tagging API.

The Resource Groups Tagging API is only available on the public internet and customers using private clusters will need to enable this feature. When enabled, the controller will use VPC Lattice APIs to lookup tags which are not as performant and requires more API calls.

The Helm chart sets this value to "false" by default.